The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is closely monitoring developments and supporting states in their preparedness and response efforts. For English Learners During Remote and Hybrid Learning . This newly released document is intended as a customized, complementary resource … They continue to closely monitor developments and adapt their response efforts. Supporting the wellbeing, including the mental health, of students and staff and encouraging meaningful connections; Keeping learning coherent, focusing on the highest priorities for each grade level and content area, and moving forward apace— whether learning is occurring in person, remotely, or is a hybrid of the two; Meeting the needs of each student, including those most vulnerable, and recovering lost learning across remote and in-person contexts; Aligning teaching roles, responsibilities, and structures to the new reality of teaching and learning; and. CCSSO designed this policy brief to help state education leaders close their broadband and … Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) Great for: Superintendents or systems leaders, District leaders, School leaders; CCSSO has recently released Restart and Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning, a full suite of vetted, customizable resources that education leaders everywhere can leverage to meet the needs of the educators and students they support. Shaping Summertime Experiences examines the impact of summertime experiences on the developmental trajectories of school-age children and youth across four areas of well-being, including academic learning, social and emotional development, ... The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)is the leading organization of and voice for principals and other school leader… Use science notebooks to meet the learning targets of science, ELA and mathematics to a llow students to express, clarify, justify, interpret, and The CCSSO Restart and Recovery Framework and Tools website includes several useful tools focused on different student subgroups, as well as forthcoming resources organized around system-level conditions (engagement, technology, staffing, and scheduling), wellbeing and … This resource incorporates guidance from health agencies as well as provides examples on emerging practices from across the country and internationally. Found insideThe book provides a comprehensive view of instruction from a theoretical, systemic, and classroom perspective. The authors’ diverse expertise delivers a wide range of ideas and strategies. Restart & Recovery: Supporting English Learners with Disabilities During Remote Learning & School Reopening - CCSSO, June 2021 ; Addressing Disrupted Instruction in the Social Studies: Recommendations on a Matter of Equity and National Importance - CCSSO, June 2021 ... Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). Access Resource. CCSSO’s Restart & Recovery: Addressing Building Safety, Cleaning and Monitoring shares health and safety protocols for reopening schools, including cleaning, parameters for social distancing, screening, monitoring, and deploying nurses. Assessment. This resource guide is intended for state and school system leaders to use as they implement reopening plans … Attendance. Restart & Recovery: Supporting English Learners with Disabilities During Remote Learning & School Reopening. CCSSO Webinar in collaboration with AASA and NAESP: Declining Kindergarten Enrollment – What can be done about the decline in public school enrollment? In this book, the authors focus on how learning time--including the nature, quality, and quantity of that time--differs dramatically for affluent children and poor children and also explore a range of ways to improve the quality and ... In this important new book, UDL experts and bestselling authors Patti Kelly Ralabate and Loui Lord Nelson offer a unique lesson planning process that blends UDL and CRT so that educators can proactively meet the learning needs of ELLs. Designing schedules that accommodate this new reality, including new protocols consistent with public health guidance, and that prioritize vulnerable student populations, including structures for continuing learning and ensuring equity in remote environments. It is available at Please email with any questions. #advancingdynamicsolutions RESTART & RECOVERY: Leveraging Federal COVID Relief Funding & … Suite 700 Washington, DC 20001 202.336.7000, Restart and Recovery: Teaching and Learning Considerations, CCSSO is continuing our work to develop additional resources aligned with the framework, including upcoming Considerations for Teaching and Learning. To support the planning and preparation CCSSO developed a restart and recovery framework (April 2020) outlining elements state education officials must consider when they determine how to reopen school facilities. The CCSSO Restart and … Designed to assist states as they work to reopen school buildings and recover student learning loss in the 2020-21 school year, the Restart and Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning course is now available as an online, on-demand course. English Learner Checklists. Found insideProvides information on the effect of technology on student academic performance in mathematics, science, and reading. Characteristics of Good English Skills as Required for Bilingual Waiver 1 Drawing on discussions of the "Creative Economy," the "Network Economy," and the "Green Economy," Rethinking US Education Policy critiques educational policies authored by the Obama administration and considers the need for a new ... on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 from 4:00-5:00 pm ET: According to the recent study, What We’re Learning: COVID 19 and Education: Notable Findings and … Restart & Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning (CCSSO Guidance) Sample Questionnaires for Grades K-12 for Use with Provisional Identification and Placement Protocol during Extended School. They […] CCSSO Resource Chat: Restart & Recovery Considerations for Teaching and Learning. ... to support states and school systems in addressing the critical set of challenges they will face as they plan for—and restart—teaching and learning in the 2020-2021 school year amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Building Stronger Readers flyer. Returning to school will be a time to focus on: The following are additional resources CCSSO created to support school and district leaders in putting the Considerations for Teaching & Learning into practice: How do we help teachers build the knowledge and skills they need to do remote instruction well? This resource includes CCSSO’s guidance for continuity of learning, conditions for education, leadership, planning, and policy and funding. The monumental challenge of reopening school buildings will require an unprecedented level of planning, preparation, resources and help from various sectors to successfully restart schools and recover student learning. This is a must read for anyone serious about meaningful school improvement." —Richard Dufour, educational author and consultant "Michael Fullan moves with authority to identify the kind of leadership needed to turn around our schools. Our partners at the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) developed Restart and Recovery,… Read more Found inside"This book related to fundamental recognitions that 1) children, adolescents, and families usually make no or very poor connections to specialty mental health (see Atkins et al. 1998; Catron, Harris, & Weiss, 1999), 2) schools are where ... Integration of Technology. Restart and Recovery. The CCSSO has put together a series of supports for states and school systems called "Restart and Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning." CCSSO Restart and Recovery Plan: Addressing Building Safety, Cleaning and Monitoring How should Education Leaders Prepare for Reentry and Beyond Policy update: National Association of State Boards of Education Expanding Minds and Opportunities: Leveraging the Power of Afterschool and Summer Learning for Student Success presents an impressive and significant body of work that comprises almost 70 reports, research studies, essays, articles, and ... This resource builds on other critical resources aligned with CCSSO’s Restart and Recovery Framework, which is designed to assist states as they work to reopen school buildings and recover … RESTART & RECOVERY: Maintaining Integrity of Language-Instruction Educational Program Models . This resource. Read Now. Principals, Communicating up is just as important as communicating out. Easily customizable, adaptable documents. The full Considerations for Teaching & Learning, along with the many other school restart and recovery supports developed by CCSSO, can be accessed at . Newest Resources. It consists of customizable guidance and vetted resources designed to: State and school system leaders are faced with a host of daunting new questions to answer and decisions to be made before schools can reopen. The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonpartisan, nationwide, nonprofit organization of public officials ... restart and recovery efforts, it is essential to examine the expectations for students with disabilities, English learners with disabilities, and students with the … make the most of CCSSO’s recent guidance, Restart & Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning: Academics Resources, developed in partnership with TNTP and other organizations. Returning to business as usual is not an option. Contains research and current trends used in digital simulations of teaching, surveying the uses of games and simulations in teacher education. CCSSO Restart and Recovery Guides. Learn more about the Council of Chief State School Officers’s (CCSSO) guidance for school reopening with Michael Gilligan and the SCG Community-led COVID-19 Recovery Action Accelerator Cohort. to view all of our resources that are currently available. NEW: Restart & Recovery: Considerations for Teaching & Learning: PRE-K to 3rd Grade Recovery in School Year 2020-2021: In July, CCSSO released Restart & Recovery – Considerations for Teaching and Learning with the intent to support SEAs and local districts to safely reopen school for the year 2020-2021. OELAS Reminders, Updates, and Guidance (June 2020) … The Education Law & Policy Review is an academically rigorous peer-reviewed law and policy journal providing scholarly reviews and commentary on national and international issues in education law and policy in K-12 and Higher Education. Education Resource Strategies (ERS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to transforming how school systems organize resources. District plans submitted to MDE as of July 31, 2020 can be viewed in this PDF document or this spreadsheet. Leveling the Playing Field for Rural Students; Public Loss, Private Gain: How School Voucher Tax Shelters Undermine Public Education Visit. Future Ed and Attendance Works - Attendance Playbook: Smart Strategies for Reducing Chronic Absenteeism in the COVID Era. It is available at . Learn more about the Council of Chief State School Officers’s (CCSSO) guidance for school reopening with Michael Gilligan and the SCG Community-led COVID-19 Recovery Action Accelerator Cohort. Help states jump-start the process of providing teaching and learning guidance to their school systems. With contributions from leading scholars, this compelling volume offers fresh insights into literacy teaching and learning—and the changing nature of literacy itself—in today's K–12 classrooms. Found insideScience and Engineering for Grades 6-12: Investigation and Design at the Center revisits America's Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science in order to consider its discussion of laboratory experiences and teacher and school ... To support leaders as they strive for equity, are mindful of health and safety, and focus on teaching and learning, CCSSO today released Restart and Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning. The CCSSO framework outlines four major “buckets” for school reopening plans across the nation: Considerations for Teaching & Learning: State Policies and Actions, Considerations for Teaching and Learning: Pre-K to Grade 3 Recovery, Considerations for Teaching & Learning: Academics. Reports and Toolkits. MDE Restart & Recovery Guidance & Summary – July 2020 includes resources for districts for opening schools and survey questions about their reopening plans. Found insideThe evidence-based strategies in this volume close the achievement gap among students from all sociological backgrounds. English Learners Checklist. Additionl Resources. High-Achieving Students and Teachers—Winning Strategies from Title I Schools! This illuminating book shows how four outstanding Title I schools make the goal of personalized learning a reality for every student and every teacher. Found inside – Page iIn framing the rationale for transformational conversations, Coaching for Equity gives us the context we need to enter into this work. In laying out the strategies, tools and models for critical conversations, it gives us the way forward. Found inside – Page 28Detailed guidance about supporting student needs is available in the CCSSO document Restart & Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning: Wellbeing and Connection,24 from the National Association of Family, School, and Community ... Found insideThis book provides a guide for doing so on campus through deliberation and dialogue. At the most basic level, this book describes collaborative and relational work to engage with others and co-create meaning. Found insideIn this seminal volume, leading authorities strategize about how to create early childhood systems that transcend politics and economics to serve the needs of all young children. The CCSSO Restart and … This resource is also referenced in the Council of Chief State School Officers' (CCSSO) "Restart and Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning Overview" in the “Academics" section.The CCSSO guidance,"designed to support states and school systems in addressing the critical set of challenges they will face as they plan for—and restart—teaching and learning in the 2020-2021 … Phase 2 Restart and Recovery: Highlights healthy and safe protocols for reopening schools, parent and family engagement supports, and guidance on trauma-informed social and emotional learning. The book expands on the foundation laid out in the 2000 report and takes an in-depth look at the constellation of influences that affect individual learning. This resource guide is intended for state and school system leaders to use as they implement reopening plans for young students during the 2020-21 school year. CCSSO Releases Framework to Assist State Education Leaders in Planning for Restart of Schools. [STATE] Restart and Recovery Plan: Addressing Building Safety, Cleaning and Monitoring This document provides information gathered from a variety of sources on the topics of: school reopening, considerations for teachers and staff, building cleaning, screening as well as social distancing and other safety protocols. 2 Questions to Diagnose Your Progress Staff Wellbeing and Connection: How can we create a culture of care in which staff growth and For more guidance on preparing for the school year, please read CCSSO’s complete Restart & Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning guidance. This report from the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) provides recommendations for creating and expanding policy guidance addressing the needs of English learners with disabilities during remote learning and school reopening. Representatives from CCSSO will also provide an overview of ongoing support to states on the issue of assessments as well as other key areas. CCSSO Restart and Recovery: Access and Equity for English Learners This tool offers state leaders recommendati ons to provide effective equitable practices to English Learners in the midst of COVID-19. The full Considerations for Teaching & Learning, along with the many other school restart and recovery supports developed by CCSSO, can be accessed at The author remembers the summer when she was ten years old and staying with her father in Michigan where she took riding lessons and became best friends with a perfect horse. WestEd recently partnered with the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) to provide key guidance for the recently launched “Restart and Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning”— a fully customizable series of vetted resources addressing system-level conditions, academics, and student wellbeing. Can your project be leveraged to support improved family engagement? How can teachers best engage students in remote learning settings? Found insideThe practices presented in the book are being used in schools and districts that seek to improve science teaching at scale, and a wide range of science subjects and grade levels are represented. Found insideThis volume includes chapters focusing on varying aspects of curriculum, instruction, and assessment currently being implemented in middle grades classrooms across the country. Supporting the Whole Child During Restart & Recovery-COVID-19 Response: Webinar Hosted by the Council of Chief State School Officers and the Learning Policy Institute Tuesday, May 19, 20204:00 – 5:00 PM ESTAs the 2019-20 school year winds down virtually, state, district, and school leaders are turning their attention to how school buildings can safely reopen. Found insideThis two-volume set LNCS 11625 and 11626 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, AIED 2019, held in Chicago, IL, USA, in June 2019. CCSSO Restart and Recovery Guides. Based on what we learned from the leaders on the front lines, CCSSO quickly developed a comprehensive Restart & Recovery Framework to address and respond to COVID-19’s impact on the K-12 education system. 2 CCSSO RESTART & RECOVERy ALTERNATIV E AppROACHES TO STATE TESTINg IN 021 THE COUNCIL OF CHIEF STATE SCHOOL OFFICERS COUNCIL OF CHIEF STATE SCHOOL OFFICERS Matthew Blomstedt (Nebraska), President Carissa Moffat Miller, Chief Executive Officer Council of Chief State School Officers Found inside"The authors describe and analyze how four states--Michigan, West Virginia, Washington, and North Carolina--have built early education systems that positively affect student outcomes, providing a much-needed, richly detailed look at how ... The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) just released a document, Restart and Recovery – Considerations for Teaching and Learning: PreK to 3rd Grade. Council of Chief State School Officers – Restart & Recovery: Addressing Building Safety, Cleaning and Monitoring Resource FDA Best Practices for Reopening Food Service Establishments in the COVID-19 Pandemic • Food Safety Checklist • Infographic Lunch Assist – School Food Service Safety Precautions. 2 This book provides new perspectives on current performance assessment research, plus an incisive look at what’s possible at the local and state levels. The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonpartisan, nationwide, nonprofit organization of public officials who head departments of elementary and secondary ... CCSSO RESTART & RECOVERY: LEVERAGING FEDERAL COVID RELIEF FUNDING & MEDICAID TO SUPPORT Restart and Recovery: Considerations for Teaching and Learning. The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) released a brief, “Restart and Recovery: Addressing Unfinished Learning for the Youngest Learners,” on a similar topic in July. Equitable Assessment Practices for English Learners in Connecticut. These resources include topics and questions similar to those outlined in the Considerations for Reopening Mississippi Schools. RESTART & RECOVERY: SUPPORTING ENGLISH LEARNERS WITH DISABILITIES DURING REMOTE LEARNING AND SCHOOL REOPENING: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STATE LEADERS COUNCIL OF CHIEF STATE SCHOOL OFFICERS The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonpartisan, nationwide, nonprofit organization of public We encourage system leaders to review the questions in the first section below, check off the ones you have As the foremost organization for state chiefs, CCSSO is uniquely positioned to lead in providing state education leaders with this comprehensive set of supports and expert guidance as they plan to reopen school and envision what the next … On April 30, CCSSO released the Restart & Recovery Framework to assist states as they work to reopen school buildings and recover student learning loss. Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO): “COVID-19 Response, Phase 2: Restart and Recovery.” American Institutes for Research (AIR): “COVID-19 and Whole Child Efforts.” “Recognizing the Role of Afterschool Programs and Systems in Reopening and Rebuilding.” In this volume, author Laura Greenstein has gathered what you really need to know in order to make formative assessment a seamless part of your everyday practice. Which of the practices you support might be useful on a larger scale to accelerate learning? Supporting States Amid Coronavirus Outbreak. There are various ways to assess either the ways to integrate technology or the need to integrate technology into instruction. Principals, Communicating up is just as important as communicating out. Designing schedules that flexibly accommodate this new reality, including new protocols for being together in the schoolhouse and structures for continuing learning when it is happening remotely. While this moment brings challenges, it also offers the potential to rebuild education systems and schools that actively redress racial and other inequities. Found insideDrawing on ethnographic case studies from around the country, this book chronicles how teacher activists employ healing strategies in stressed schools and community organizations, and work to reverse negative impacts on academic achievement ... Restart & Recovery: Federal Funds for Expanding Broadband and Device Access for Learning. Today, CCSSO is releasing the Restart and Recovery Framework that outlines our next phase of support to states as they plan to restart schools and recover student learning loss. CCSSO Releases Restart & Recovery: Considerations for Teaching & Learning 4.30.20 CCSSO Releases Framework to Assist State Education Leaders in Planning for Restart of Schools CCSSO Restart and Recovery Considerations for Teaching and Learning: Academics . Planning for System Conditions During Reopening. Go to CCSSO RESTART & RECOVERY: Leveraging Federal COVID Relief Funding & Medicaid to Support Student & Staff Wellbeing & Connection Chief state school officers can play a critical role in ensuring Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds are invested at the state and local levels in a strategic, sustainable way that advances student and staff wellbeing and connection. Found insideIn this volume prominent scholars, experts in their respective fields and highly skilled in the research they conduct, address educational and reading research from varied perspectives and address what it will take to close the achievement ... Of providing Teaching and Learning resource includes CCSSO ’ s ccsso restart and recovery for of. 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