/Parent 130 0 R 324 0 obj /S /P endobj /Pg 36 0 R 280 0 obj << /Ascent 971 /Pg 63 0 R endobj /S /H3 /K 5 << 130 0 obj >> /S /P However, it is always best when there is some symptom, behavior or conversation that you can identify or describe to a child protection screener or police officer when making the report. >> >> >> /First 208 0 R /Lang (EN-AU) Report. /Title (1.1 Introduction) /Parent 111 0 R /Type /Font endobj >> 114 0 obj endobj /D [ 50 0 R /XYZ 69 780 0 ] 246 0 obj << /Lang (EN-AU) /First 186 0 R /S /P /Pg 9 0 R /K 2 /S /P /S /P >> /P 217 0 R /Lang (EN-AU) /Placement /Block /K 652 0 R /K 0 >> << /Lang (EN-AU) endobj /K 14 /P 569 0 R /Type /Font 383 0 obj endobj 294 0 obj /CapHeight 632 /Lang (EN-AU) /K 7 /Lang (EN-AU) If indicators lead you to form a reasonable belief that a child or young person is being sexually exploited, you must follow the Four Critical Actions for schools. endobj endobj /K 3 endobj << >> endobj << /Lang (EN-AU) << endobj 308 0 obj /S /LBody I can show you how, it feels really good.". /FontFile2 74 0 R 675 0 obj /S /L >> 429 0 R null null null 430 0 R null null 431 0 R 432 0 R 433 0 R 434 0 R 435 0 R If you have an emergency that requires an immediate law enforcement response, please call 911. >> /D [ 69 0 R /XYZ 69 780 0 ] /Kids [ 42 0 R 44 0 R 46 0 R 48 0 R 50 0 R ] /S /P /S /P hތS[o�0�+�q����-�T!AVV��v
�.x-$(q%��=��v{���;��f(h&!3�p�,��i�Cn��S0Z��L�bd{��i�~\��3Ԭ�! endobj 829 0 obj Types of Grooming . /Pg 813 0 R /Pg 46 0 R /K 3 endobj /K 1 576 0 obj /D [ 29 0 R /XYZ 69 622 0 ] /AIS false 580 0 obj >> endobj 462 0 obj >> /Flags 4 /Next 130 0 R /Pg 36 0 R /K 11 /K 23 endobj >> /P 217 0 R /K 2 endobj >> /K [ 706 0 R 709 0 R 712 0 R 715 0 R 718 0 R 721 0 R 724 0 R 727 0 R 730 0 R 733 0 R endobj /Lang (EN-US) endobj /S /TR << << >> /P 539 0 R endobj << >> endobj /P 217 0 R /S /LI endobj 590 0 obj /Widths [ 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 /LastChar 146 >> It is not always easy to spot the signs of online grooming and sexual exploitation so if you have any concern at all about someone your child is in contact with, you should get in touch. /S /GoTo /Lang (EN-AU) /P 217 0 R << << /Lang (EN-AU) /P 217 0 R 300 0 obj /Pg 63 0 R /Pg 63 0 R /P 217 0 R endobj /K 13 807 0 obj 296 0 obj /Pg 34 0 R endobj << << But our groomers don’t stop there, be sure to check the grooming report for all runs groomed nightly and where to find the best groomed corduroy of the day. /Pg 57 0 R /P 217 0 R << /Lang (EN-AU) Ae�E"����_ /P 377 0 R >> /Lang (EN-AU) /A 155 0 R >> /Lang (EN-AU) endobj 564 0 obj << >> << 785 0 obj /S /L 578 0 obj /Type /Pages /P 712 0 R 134 0 obj /First 179 0 R << >> /S /LBody /P 447 0 R /K 0 >> 592 0 obj Suspected online grooming or unwanted contact. Coercing and blackmailing children for sexual purposes. /Parent 803 0 R 279 0 obj [ 557 0 R 558 0 R 559 0 R null null 560 0 R null null null 561 0 R null null null /Pg 31 0 R /Endnote /Note endobj null 751 0 R null 754 0 R 755 0 R 756 0 R null 754 0 R null 757 0 R null ] /Pg 813 0 R << /Filter /FlateDecode >> 220 0 obj /Pg 11 0 R endobj /S /P /Pg 7 0 R endobj << 259 0 obj "You can trust me because no one understands you the way I do.". 417 0 obj /S /P >> 792 0 obj null null 503 0 R null null null 502 0 R null null null 501 0 R null null ] /K 0 /K [ 87 750 0 R ] /S /P endobj endobj 124 0 obj 742 0 obj /K 455 0 R >> 767 0 obj If you’re worried that your child is being groomed online or sexually exploited you should report your concerns to CEOP. /K 2 << >> endobj /Lang (EN-AU) The creation of this offence was recommended in the Betrayal of Trust report.. Grooming is now a criminal offence. endobj /Pg 69 0 R endobj /S /P endobj endobj >> /S /P << 745 0 obj [ 512 0 R 513 0 R 514 0 R 515 0 R 516 0 R 517 0 R 518 0 R 519 0 R ] >> 208 0 obj endobj 629 0 obj /SourceModified (D:20170207223557) << /Pg 55 0 R On the surface, grooming a child can look like a close relationship between the offending adult, the targeted child and (potentially) the child’s caregivers. 274 0 obj /K [ 301 0 R ] 233 0 obj << 345 0 R 346 0 R 347 0 R 348 0 R ] /S /L << /Chart /Figure /K [ 672 0 R 663 0 R ] /Pg 813 0 R /S /GoTo /S /P /K [ 9 800 0 R ] /S /P /S /Span /S /P << /FontWeight 400 << endobj /S /L /P 447 0 R 712 0 obj /Prev 119 0 R /S /P 584 556 1015 667 667 722 722 667 611 778 722 278 500 667 556 833 722 778 667 778 << /Last 154 0 R << /S /P 411 0 obj 265 0 obj Should your child become a victim of grooming, you must be very careful not to confront them — this will likely cause them to shut down and leave out important information about the situation. /K 2 /Lang (EN-AU) >> /Next 119 0 R endobj endobj /Lang (EN-AU) endobj /K 4 /Next 202 0 R endobj 0 0 0 0 0 579 544 522 615 488 459 631 623 252 319 0 420 855 645 654 517 664 543 452 /Lang (EN-AU) /A 114 0 R /S /P 684 0 obj endobj 105 0 obj All calls are confidential. /Parent 111 0 R << /S /P 783 0 obj 802 0 obj /S /P >> /A 109 0 R /S /LBody endobj endobj /P 540 0 R << In most situations you do not need to wait to have “evidence” of child abuse to file a report to child protective services of police. /S /P endobj << 188 0 obj /P 217 0 R endobj /Lang (EN-AU) 309 0 obj /Pg 59 0 R << Enjoy regular grooming on some of Vail’s signature runs like Blue Ox, Lindsey’s, and Riva Ridge. 254 0 obj /Parent 111 0 R << /Pg 27 0 R << << /P 679 0 R 660 0 obj /K 0 endobj >> << /K 581 0 R endobj /P 217 0 R /Title (Children with harmful sexual behaviour) /Pg 44 0 R /K 403 0 R endobj 647 0 obj Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States examines commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents of the United States under age 18. 150 0 obj endobj /P 568 0 R >> /S /LBody << /S /P /P 217 0 R << This occurs through talking, pictures, and creating situations in which both are naked (swimming). 507 0 obj /Parent 133 0 R /S /P 609 0 obj ] /Pg 67 0 R /P 706 0 R /Lang (EN-AU) /Lang (EN-US) /K 7 While your emotions may range from anger to sadness, try to remain calm when speaking with your child as they navigate the traumatic experience. /P 217 0 R For our hosted consumer services and products – such as OneDrive, Outlook, Skype and Xbox – Microsoft actioned 92,419 pieces of content and suspended 17,434 consumer accounts associated with CSEAI during this period. /P 725 0 R /S /GoTo /S /LI >> >> However, it is always best when there is some symptom, behavior or conversation that you can identify or describe to a child protection screener or police officer when making the report. 329 0 obj endobj /Lang (EN-AU) /Pg 34 0 R /S /LBody The 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report includes the following 11 governments with a documented “policy or pattern” of human trafficking, trafficking in government-funded programs, forced labor in government-affiliated medical services or other sectors, sexual slavery in government camps, or the employment or recruitment of child soldiers: /Lang (EN-US) << endobj /K 44 /Pg 42 0 R 720 0 obj Localised grooming, for the purposes of this Report, is a model of child … endobj /S /P Please read this book aloud only when and if you're in a healthy place to read it with the same enthusiasm you would a classic fairy tale. This book is not intended for children to read alone without adult supervision. /K 0 /K 5 /Creator (Acrobat PDFMaker 11 for Word) /K 26 /K 1 << /Pg 21 0 R /S /GoTo /Pg 7 0 R /Lang (EN-AU) /A 214 0 R 525 0 obj /S /P >> /S /LI /S /Reference /K 6 Our supporters make it possible
<< 544 0 obj /K 6 /Lang (EN-AU) /S /TOC /Lang (EN-AU) /Lang (EN-AU) /Pg 7 0 R 644 0 obj endobj 142 0 obj endobj Another woman, who was also sexually abused by a grooming gang in Rotherham and wanted to remain anonymous, said she was “disappointed and frustrated” by the decision not to release the report. endobj /K 265 0 R << /op false >> 441 0 obj 536 0 obj /P 290 0 R << /A 259 0 R [ 320 0 R 321 0 R 322 0 R 323 0 R 324 0 R 325 0 R 326 0 R 327 0 R 328 0 R 329 0 R << /Lang (EN-AU) "I know you love jewelry so I got you this watch.". /S /Table /K 20 /D [ 1 0 R /XYZ 69 780 0 ] Know who your kids are talking to online. >> /Lang (EN-AU) << /Lang (�� E N - A U) /K 0 >> /Prev 165 0 R /P 217 0 R Find helpful guides on how
/K 2 << 622 0 obj 437 0 R 438 0 R 439 0 R 440 0 R 441 0 R 442 0 R 443 0 R 444 0 R 445 0 R 418 0 R 419 0 R /P 217 0 R /Lang (EN-AU) /Lang (EN-AU) /S /Reference /Lang (EN-AU) /P 406 0 R >> 531 0 obj endobj endobj If the caregiver does not intervene or object, and the child is uncomfortable, it can confuse the child on what type of touch is appropriate. /S /P /Lang (EN-AU) endobj endobj /P 217 0 R endobj << /P 498 0 R 314 0 obj /D [ 50 0 R /XYZ 69 748 0 ] endobj /K 22 /A 215 0 R This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social Informatics, SocInfo 2014, held in Barcelona, Spain, in November 2014. >> /P 676 0 R << /ToUnicode 75 0 R In Christiane Sanderson’s book Counselling Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, she mentions, “A significant aspect of the grooming process is that the predator also grooms the child’s parents”. /S /P /Type /Pages endobj /Lang (EN-AU) >> 710 0 obj For 14 years, Jayne Senior tried to help girls from Rotherham who had been groomed, raped, tortured, pimped, and threatened with violence by sex traffickers. endobj 766 0 obj /P 674 0 R endobj /K [ 45 729 0 R ] /K 18 endobj endobj /S /P /Next 113 0 R /Lang (EN-AU) << /Lang (EN-AU) /S /TR /S /P /Title (Appendix A) 200 0 obj >> /P 217 0 R /Lang (EN-AU) endobj The book includes a discussion of the conceptual, methodological, and logistical issues needed to create a solid research base as well as the ethical concerns that must be considered when working with older subjects. << endobj /S /P 304 0 R 305 0 R 306 0 R 307 0 R 308 0 R 309 0 R 310 0 R 311 0 R 312 0 R 313 0 R 314 0 R 665 0 obj >> endobj << << /Last 187 0 R /Lang (EN-AU) << /Pg 38 0 R 724 0 obj /P 217 0 R >> /S /LBody /S /H1 /Lang (EN-AU) 276 0 obj << endobj endobj The report, which covers England, Scotland and Wales and summarises a range of studies on the issue of group-based child sexual exploitation (CSE), … endobj >> /P 291 0 R >> /S /P /Metadata 87 0 R /Prev 169 0 R /Prev 183 0 R >> /S /H3 /BBox [ -1 406.52 559 627.12 ] /K 61 /S /P /First 125 0 R endobj If you suspect a child has been endangered or has been subject to sexual abuse, exploitation, or trafficking, contact the police immediately. >> This convention aims to prevent the sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children, protect child victims of sexual offences and prosecute perpetrators. /Pg 15 0 R >> << >> >> /K 531 0 R /Pg 11 0 R << >> /Pg 40 0 R << %PDF-1.5 /P 217 0 R /Title (Literature reviewed) /Type /Annot >> << endobj /K 11 >> /P 758 0 R 356 0 obj 562 0 obj /S /LI Roblox: 'I thought he was playing an innocent game'. /O /Layout /K [ 621 0 R 622 0 R 619 0 R ] >> /P 217 0 R endobj >> /K 0 >> endobj /P 217 0 R << << << /S /LI >> /Pg 59 0 R endobj /Lang (EN-AU) /Last 193 0 R /P 540 0 R endobj /P 217 0 R /Lang (EN-AU) /D [ 17 0 R /XYZ 69 414 0 ] >> endobj /StructParents 0 /Pg 7 0 R endobj /P 800 0 R 492 0 obj /S /P null null null 266 0 R null null 267 0 R 268 0 R 269 0 R 270 0 R 271 0 R 272 0 R Grooming takes time, and it starts long before the sexual abuse occurs. >> /Last 140 0 R endobj endobj 554 0 obj Grooming. /S /LBody 167 0 obj << >> 730 0 obj /Pg 27 0 R >> endobj /FontBBox [ -503 -307 1240 964 ] << Child to tell them about abuse crimes investigated by the CCCP child grooming report must read this invaluable book Covid... 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Middle Childhood Ages,
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