BOOKS BY Dr. JAMES WHITE . Found insideHe is excited about the possibility of trimming the existing Case for Christianity Answer Book into a booklet-sized product that will help lift the visibility of several projects: the parent book (the Answer Book), the newly recover Case ... Again, context is utterly ignored. GET NOW. They had English translations based on the same type of textual readings of modern versions in the Catholic (Douay) Bible. The Scholarship Only Controversy. Ships from and sold by The Reading Nook - Texas. Let’s look at what I really said on page IV of the Introduction: Most important, men of God, pastors and elders entrusted with the care of the flock of God, are inevitably, and often unwillingly, drawn into this controversy. Contact. The other two KJV Only advocates did not disagree (though I know that Dr. Strousse would have, if given the chance). This book seeks to confirm and establish faith in the Bible, an infallible book that is the key to all of life's questions. Modern Bible translations still come under attack from the King James Only camp. Addresses the debate over the trustworthiness of Bible translations which has troubled the church for centuries. King James supporters also recognize the history of the scriptures throughout the church age and show different times in history where the word of God existed before 1611. This book helped me not only to become aware of this issue, but also helped me to understand why people take the stand they do. The King James Only Controversy: Can You Trust Modern Translations? In the early years, some tried to make the Greek Septuagint the “standard” for the Church, resulting in a near riot in Carthage when Jerome’s Vulgate was read in public for the first time. Amazingly enough, even the KJV translators are not immune to Dr. Holland’s misrepresentations! " This book is written as a reply to Dr. Geisler, but is much more; it is a defense of the very principles upon which the Protestant Reformation was founded. Dr. Holland has written: Concerning the words of the Lord, the inspired writer reminds us that. Next we read. Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2020. This item: King James Only Controversy, The 2 Upd Exp edition. White assumes the KJV advocate believes this, and then expresses that men like Erasmus “never claimed to be inspired.” Secondly, White quotes Dr. Edwin Palmer of the NIV translation committee as saying, “John 1:18, as inspired by the Holy Spirit.. declare(s) that Jesus is God” (p.103). For one thing, the King James Version of the Bible has its own history of revision. A Response to a Brother in Christ - Dr. Morris' "Defense" of the King James Bible Reviewed, Litton Becomes Biden, Todd’s Category Error, Hank Fictionalizes History, The Dividing Line will be LIVE at 5:00pm EDT, Radio Free Geneva: Responding to “The Authentic Christian”, Responding to the ERLC on Religious Exemptions, Creating Variants, Hank Hanegraaff and Church History, Redefining Family, Chic Racism, Horse-Dewormer, Religious Exemptions,, Concluding Segment of Response to Sam Gipp (Part 5), DRARE: Dogged Repetition of Already Refuted Errors, CalciumBoy, Sam Gipp, and the Ankerberg Incident Redux, The Debate That Never Was — James White’s Challenge to Dr. Peter Ruckman to Debate, More Moore, Tim Staples Speaks Synergism, Steven Anderson and the RBs, Phone Calls, Thoughts on Growth and Change. Ruckman continues: Last spring, White challenged me to a debate, saying he could prove there were errors in the Authorized Version. But what is even more interesting is the back cover, which continues the painting: Here a ship is slipping beneath the waves, and as you can see clearly in the above scan, the ship is the “S.S. This book is now a classic. Dr. James R. White. He devotes an entire chapter to charges by KJV Only advocates that the new Bible versions water down the Deity of Christ. So far, then, we have no contradictions after two attempts. It demands that a masculine singular be matched with a feminine plural when there is no logical reason to do so. It is easy to read but Cloud does lack the apologetic abilities of Dr. White nor does he even try to grasp the original Hebrew or Greek as Dr. White … In this revision of a book continually in print for more than ten years, James R. White traces the development of Bible translations old and new, investigating the differences between versions like the NIV, … Access Free The King James Only Controversy Can You Trust Modern Translations R White King James Only movement - Wikipedia The King James Only claim is also deeply and disturbingly ethnocentric because it implies that English speakers have a much better chance of inheriting the Kingdom of God because of their ability to read the KJV. “Surely if the KJV translators were alive today,” states White, “they would gladly admit that ‘peddle’ is a better translation than ‘corrupt,’ and would adopt it themselves” (p. 114). I believe the King James Bible—I use it when witnessing to Mormons all the time. White emphatically denies this inquiry (p.245) but then points out that Virginia Mollenkott was used as a consultant on matters of English style because “she had the reputation of being a committed evangelical Christian with expertise in contemporary English idiom and usage. Verse 6 says that God’s promise to deliver the afflicted is as good as gold or refined silver. Protestants, however, should be quick to question any such notion of absolute religious certainty. Dr. Robert Joyner calls King James Bible loyalists, "heretics". Found inside – Page 1In the Same Sex Controversy, the authors clarify and defend the Bible's stand on homosexuality as they expand on key passages. This is an appeal to emotionalism, little more. From what I have seen, the subject matter would appear to be thoroughly (one might say, exhaustively) researched; clearly presented, and extremely well written. A committee position is not the same thing as a stylist position. Indeed, Holland starts off by saying, “Self contradiction seems to be a theme in his book.” Such allegations should be rather easily documented. The issue is not about the KJV, it's about the Greek and Hebrew texts. It seems that if I explain the theory behind dynamic equivalence, I automatically become a proponent of it as the final word in translation. One might suggest at this point that if you have arrived at the seventeenth page of a 24 page review, and have yet to find a single meaningful or accurate objection, that “enough is enough.” But, with only seven pages to go, why not provide a full response? Every Bible college that believes the King James Bible to be the preserved word of God teaches New Testament Greek. Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2019. Since I’m sure Ruckman will be doing all he can to promote this work, I’ve decided to take a few moments to respond to Dr. Holland’s comments. The King James Only Controversy, James White. Most KJV advocates believe the King James Bible to be God’s preserved words for the English speaking people not the whole world as White suggests (p.3). . Preserved Word of God in English (Part 2), Preserved Word of God in English (Part 3). Such is very hard to understand. Their conclusion was, as even cited by White, that the KJV “containeth the word of God, nay, is the word of God” (p.75). by James White (1998-07-05), Canon Revisited: Establishing the Origins and Authority of the New Testament Books, Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why, The King James Version Debate: A Plea for Realism. Because the KJV has a different rendering here, Dr. Palmer calls the KJV and its Greek texts “inferior” and his Greek text “inspired.” If a KJV advocate had used such wording concerning the TR, White would have objected. The translators plainly state that their work was equal to David bringing the Ark into Jerusalem and Solomon building the temple. . Likewise, he misses the importance of the topic I was addressing about absolute certainty. Using evidence from Scripture, history, theology, textual criticism, and ancient and modern Bible versions, this book demonstrates that this doctrine is of recent vintage, being unknown before the mid-twentieth century. This makes his comment, “Perhaps White will target these men in his next book on the subject” somewhat embarrassing. But note that this family of terms has two nu's, rather than a single nu, found in monogenes. “You are limiting God’s Word to scholars. about this very topic. In reference to 2 Cor. But I must ask you to consider: would you rather have to deal with textual variations as the inevitable result of the process of copying over time, or have to face the situation of the Mormons, with one “inspired” text controlled by a church hierarchy, susceptible to changes on the whims of the leaders? The translators wrote, “…and all is sound for substance in one or the other of our editions, and the worst of ours (that is before 1611) is better than their authentic vulgar.”. . Man can not be trusted with this job. Namely, that God would keep and preserve His words. Let us also remember an important lesson from history: there have been movements in the past that have attempted to enshrine a particular translation of Scripture as the final authority in the Church. In most cases, items shipped from may be returned for a full refund. Given Hills’ use of the data, if he had not begun with the assumption of the superiority of the TR, he would have come to a different conclusion. Again, is this not the same argument the liberal theologian uses to deny Biblical inerrancy? Throughout church history God has kept His words, and since 1611 for English-speaking people, it is found in the Authorized Version. So, another “contradiction” that is nothing more than a creation of Dr. Holland’s imagination. He goes on to say: This is another example of Mr. White not doing his homework. Waite on this issue. James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. Alpha & Omega Ministries atheists critiquing james white critiquing steven anderson Dr. James White james white critique james white sermons king james only livestream pastor james white PineCreek presence of the holy spirit sheep hear his voice steven anderson critique street epistemology tim keller. The real issue is never fully addressed in White’s book. He is also an accomplished debater. Dr. Holland’s interpretation does not take these issues into consideration. Steven Anderson, blasphemy, and the King James Bible. This ends the notes I wrote on the way to Indianapolis for our debate. The debate will be live on British cable TV and online at is to be held at 9pm local UK time Feb. 2nd, which translates to 4pm Eastern time here in the US. Back in 1995 a book came out titled "The King James Only Controversy" by James R. White.On the cover it says "Can you trust the modern translations?" As to the superiority of the KJV to the true originals, Ruckman only points out that the originals would serve little purpose to the common English reader since he could not read them but could read his English KJV Even modern scholars recognize this. Modern Bible translations still come under attack from the King James Only camp. Twenty pages of a twenty-four page review have passed in utter failure, so we have every right to wonder about such a title. Many in the audience noted this as well. For example, many Roman Catholics find the idea of an infallible pope very “comforting,” for when things get confusing they always have a source of certainty and absolute authority to turn to. White served as an elder of Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona, from 1998 until 2018. It isn't even the first translation into English. Context seems to be something that is utterly irrelevant when looking desperately for “contradictions.” Here’s the next one: In a series of contradictions, White cites several of Dr. Peter S. Ruckman’s books, stating that “charges of blasphemy, heresy, and even stupidity, fly thick from some elements of the KJV Only movement” (Introduction, p. V). In this new edition of The TB12 Method, Tom Brady further explains and details the revolutionary training, conditioning, and wellness system that has kept him atop the NFL at an age when most players are deep into retirement. He received a BA from Grand Canyon College, an MA from Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Th.M., a Th.D. and a D.M. from Columbia Evangelical Seminary (formerly Faraston Seminary). ... SOURCE: James White - Wikipedia Unfortunately, James White is a big opponent (enemy) of King James Onlyism. The RSV and NRSV come next, then the ESV (not quite as literal, but not bad). Surely Dr. Holland should know the difference. "The is one of the most illuminating updates on the current state of Mormonism that I have ever seen."--Dr. Gleason Archer, professor of Old Testament and Semitics at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. $3.99 shipping. We discussed his background and how the debate went, and played and discussed some clips as well. 0. THIS BOOK CONTAINS 14PT FONT FOR EASIER READING. (THE AVERAGE BIBLE CONTAINS 6PT FONT LETTERING.) The Gospel According to Mark, the second book of the New Testament, is one of the four canonical gospels and the three synoptic gospels. I leave the conclusions concerning the why’s of their writings to the reader. Celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation - Simple summaries, illustrations, charts, & more show why you can trust the Bible! You see, God sent out His Word to all the world, so that there was never a time in all of the past two millennia when any one man, group of men, church, or council, had “control” over the text of the Bible. Holland misrepresents this section by stating that I argued that modern translations are “better” than the KJV due to their use of dynamic equivalence. . The vast majority of the differences are in matter of minutiae, such as how to spell a word, or a missing “and” here or there. Then, eleven hundred years later, it was the Vulgate that had become the standard, so that when Erasmus published his own Latin translation, he was accused of heresy for daring to question the “standard” that God had so obviously preserved. 12:6-7; Matt. Nothing was known of her lesbian views” (pp. White, James R. The King James Only Controversy. Although I am no longer an advocate of King James Onlyism, I still love and adore the beauty and antiquity of God's Word, as communicated through the pages of the King James Bible. White then proceeds to quote Dr. Ruckman (109-121), but only gives quotes that put Dr. Ruckman in a bad light, avoiding any documented evidence that contradicts his views. This Pearson Original edition is published for Queensland University of Technology. Hence, I can hardly be faulted if I didn’t address his particular viewpoint. Holland asserts that the citations of the KJV translators provided on pages 72 through 77 “prove nothing” or “are taken out of context.” Yet, he fails to substantiate his allegation, which, given his track record thus far, says a great deal. I have engaged Roman Catholic apologists all across the nation in public debate in defense of the great truth of sola scriptura, and will be doing so again in only a few weeks on Long Island. Donate The Judaisms of Jesus’ Followers: An Introduction to Early Christianity in its Jewi... Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Removing Cultural Blinders to Better Unders... Mary--Another Redeemer? "A thoroughly researched discussion of the development of Bible translations ancient and modern, including key differences between versions such as the New International, New American Standard Bible, and the Authorized Version of 1611"- ... This is hardly an objection to my work. I mentioned to Dr. Holland that the cover of his booklet is quite nice. . If he had not begun with the assumption of the superiority of the TR, he would undoubtedly have been led to a conclusion in favor, at the very least, of the ‘Majority Text’ rather than the modern critical texts” (p.93). Only the King James Bible hasn't been tampered with! ", Translations could be produced in cooperation with separated brethren, that such a man as King James was a homosexual. If they did, this is not a literal translation, something Dr. Holland would have to explain. At the very least, this is a case of ‘pots and kettles.’. Were homosexuals on the NIV translation committee? I noted William Barlow held views of the monarchy that could have impacted his translation (as I had elsewhere noted the King’s influence upon the translation itself, p. 71). Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2017. Please try again. However, to accuse me of misrepresentation as he often does requires that I be misrepresenting the particular viewpoint I am addressing at that time. The translators defended their inclusion of these items, and in so doing demonstrated that those who would make their translation an inerrant and inspired work do so against their own statements. We are called to be students, responsible men and women who make learning, and studying, God’s Word a high priority in our lives. And, I believe that scribes making manuscripts erred. Please try again. He is an elder of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church, director of Alpha and Omega Ministries—a Christian apologetics organization, an adjunct professor with Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, and a professor of apologetics with Columbia Evangelical Seminary. You wouldn't climb a mountain or sail the Pacific without first checking out your equipment. Please try your request again later. The issue between us is very basic, and while it can at times seem complex, it really isn’t. "The bitter fountain which springs forth from the new bible versions flows from the devils who seduced the scribes". Holland ignores my own definitions. Has he been speaking with Erasmus lately? Allow me to explain. Dr. Holland has already explained his position to you. The two issues are, obviously, separate, as Dr. Holland well knows. The Westcott and Hort Theory. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don’t use a simple average. White seeks to justify the use of modern versions such as the NIV and NASV while attacking those who hold to the Authorized Version as the word of God. King James Onlyism is a more recent fad (started circa 1930 by a Seventh-day Adventist & more heavily promoted in modern times by … Dr. James White is a major opponent of the King James Only movement, and an advocate of the Greek Critical Text in the Nestle-Aland 28th edition, although he differs with it at times. The propriety of reading “unique” or “only-begotten God” at John 1:18 is fully defended in The King James Only Controversy, pp. The final section before the conclusion of this “review” is titled “False Information.” Of course, to this point, we have failed to find a single accurate criticism of an entire 286 page book. Holland speaks “for the dead” (to use his phrase) when he says, The translators would not accept the readings of modern versions. (NASB) You, O LORD, will keep them; You will preserve him from this generation forever. Why do the vast majority of conservative Christian scholars reject this view? This book is a thorough treatment of the subject, well written and referenced as per usual for James White. This is a great resource for any pastor to have, concerning the King James Only (hereafter, KJVO) debate. Office Hours Oct 10, 2015 - James White debates Jack Moorman on whether the KJV is superior to modern translations due to the manuscripts used. A Bible Believer’s Response to the book 'King James Onlyism: A New Sect'. Often it is assumed that the second term is gennasthai/gennao, to give birth, to beget. For example, it would be quite proper to say, “Gail Riplinger’s book, New Age Bible Versions, is filled with so many errors per page that it would require a multi-volume series to document them all.” But whenever you make such a comment, you need to back it up with solid and representative examples. But where is the scriptural support for such a view? James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries and author of The King James Only Controversy will be debating Dr. Jack Moorman, author of Forever Settled and other books defending the King James Bible. This is a blatant misuse of Palmer’s citation, and is, quite honestly, a very poor stretch at best. And Muslims is a thorough treatment of the King James & other versions! Responded to in her own writings home about statement of faith Blog Webcast Donate Store Newsletter.. Atheists, Catholics, and effectively when it comes to Ruckmanism, the men... The English-speaking people very same colors as one of the LORD, you will preserve from... Are interested in James was a homosexual most accessible and careful though response. Phoenix Reformed Baptist church in Phoenix, Arizona, from 1998 until 2018 position not! Context will do Christian presuppositons when it comes to the pure language lexicons of the Bible ( page! 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