Welcome to Volunteer Resources! The Stanford University Human Resources team does not centralize volunteer opportunities. Stanford GSB is committed to making lasting, positive change toward eliminating bias and racism beyond our community. Contact information for participant inquiries: Ranakt@stanford.edu. Thirty staff members within Stanford’s Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (VPUE) stepped away from campus on the afternoon of March 24, to lend volunteer support to three area non-profits—the Ronald McDonald House at Stanford, Opportunities Services Center, and Grassroots Ecology. Support: Program staff will provide required training to familiarize volunteers with oral history editing and style conventions and offer ongoing support. Participate in an exciting study to increase our understanding of math skill development and how the brain changes with math learning. The training period is 45 consecutive days, 45 minutes in each day. Eligible participants will receive extensive sleep evaluation, individual treatment for insomnia, and reimbursement for participation. The second goal is to explore the brain-circuits and the mechanisms that underlie improvement using advanced functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) methodology. Stanford Children's Health Volunteer Services offers a wide array of volunteer opportunities. Do you provide unpaid care for a family member or friend with ANY physical or mental health condition? Contact information for participant inquiries: 650-721-4049 | thepearlab@stanford.edu, Key words: bipolar disorder, depression, mania, Stanford/VA Alzheimer's Center offers information, referral services and comprehensive diagnostic assessments of individuals with memory problems. Child psychiatrists and psychologists, clinical nurses, social workers, and other mental health practitioners working in the public sector -- where limited funds, poverty, social environments, and bureaucracy add to the daily challenges -- ... Key words: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). We are currently recruiting children and adolescents to participate in a brain-imaging study to understand how appetite and mood are related. Support Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford and child and maternal health, Participate: Join the Stanford Research Registry. The purpose of this clinical trial is to investigate the effectiveness of vasopressin nasal spray for treating symptoms associated with autism. Volunteers aged between 10-17 years old who able to participate in moderate to vigorous cycling exercise are required. Research suggests that insomnia contributes to depressive mood symptoms. Additionally, please note that, even as the CDC eases guidelines on masking for fully-vaccinated individuals, SBC still requires ALL donors to be masked throughout the donation process, including while waiting outside of a mobile/bus blood drive. Volunteer Recruitment for Project Teams for Fall–Winter ’21 Projects. To apply for one of the opportunities below, please follow the instructions specified in the relevant job description. In 2011, the Stanford Alumni Magazine featured a retrospective of the Stanford Prison Experiment in honor of the experiment’s 40th anniversary. Children ages 6-12 with a diagnosis of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID) and their families are invited to participate in a Family-Based Treatment (FBT) vs. a manualized Non-Specific Care (NSC) research study through the Stanford Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences. Complete your ACT volunteer profile via the “Volunteer Today” button on this page or on each individual project page. Stanford Off-Campus Learning Opportunities. As Stanford Medicine researchers continue research into mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and understanding its immunology, both healthy and infected volunteers are invited to participate in the studies. We love and appreciate the hundreds of dedicated volunteers at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford and Stanford Children’s Health. If you are a Stanford undergraduate interested in volunteering as a research assistant in the Poldrack Lab, you can sign up here. Contact information for participant inquiries: avpclinicaltrial@stanford.edu, (650) 736-1235. Any questions can be directed to safadstudy@stanford.edu. Found insideMost universities are actively engaged in research, so if you go to the science counselor at your school, they should be ... Even better, many big universities have medical schools and you might find a volunteer summer position there! Nonprofit Deadline to Express Interest for Spring–Summer ’22 Projects. Found inside... Bldg 600t Stanford U , Stanford CA ASIA INFORMATION 9606 94305 Center For Research On Womer , Serra St , Stanford U ... Stanford CA PO 9620 94305 Volunteers In Asia , Box 4543 , Stanford CA 497-3228 VOLUNTEER RESEARCH P INFORMATION ... The Stanford prison experiment (SPE) was designed to examine the effects of situational variables on participants' reactions and behaviors, in a two-week simulation of a prison environment. To learn more please call (650) 849-0584, email tiredbrain@stanford.edu, or fill out the interest form. Study participants will have a functional MRI and several tests of emotion and hormone reactions to mild stress. You can donate the lifesaving gift of blood at one of our locations, or at a blood drive near your community. Found insideThe bestselling author of All the Shah’s Men and The Brothers tells the astonishing story of the man who oversaw the CIA’s secret drug and mind-control experiments of the 1950s and ’60s. Conduct of Research. Students pursuing any course of study can find opportunities to … To contact the researchers and to see past publications, see our Associated Faculty page for links to their CAP profiles. The intervention consists of seven weekly sessions. Contact information for participant inquiries: zonipede@stanford.edu; 650-723-7885, Key words: emotional eating, eating disorders, treatment. Stanford GSB’s ACT program sends alumni into social impact organizations to strategically solve problems and plan for growth. Volunteer Opportunities. Have you seen something that needs to be updated on the website? Stanford Professor David Cohen, who directs the Stanford Center for Human Rights and International Justice, has been awarded the 2021 Miriam Aaron Roland Volunteer Service Prize … The purpose of this research is to observe the tolerability and efficacy of Vorsoâs transcutaneous electrical stimulation in subjects suffering from postpartum depression. Individuals who are between 50 and 90 years old, experiencing depressive symptoms, memory impairments and trouble sleeping may be eligible for this study. Join Stanford and other volunteers in our Research Registry. Healthy Volunteers; Trials Accepting Healthy Volunteers Showing 1 - 20 of ... Stanford is currently accepting patients for this trial. Proposal requirements include: A completed application that: presents a well-defined research project that warrants a community-based research approach, and; Incorporates best practices and principles of campus-community partnerships (e.g., Principles of Partnerships and the Haas Center's Principles of Ethical and Effective Service) Includes a remote contingency plan. Dr. Ben Russell joined us for the 18-19 academic year. The tablets will be customized with educational and skill resources. No radiation or injection is involved.Â, Contact information for participant inquiries: Hannah at study_brain@stanford.edu or at 650-724-2939 or for more information, please visit: http://cbrain.stanford.edu/, Key words: memory, MCI, cognitive training. In addition to clinical trials that accept healthy participants, there are other clinical studies at Stanford Medicine that also seek healthy participants. Volunteers Needed to Participate in Important Brain Research! Found insideGiving 2.0 shows how to navigate these oceans of possibilities, empowering you to move from reactive to proactive. No matter what, when, and why you give, Giving 2.0 is the ultimate resource to guide your giving journey. Stanford Classics Early Career Visiting Fellows. If you would like more information about this study please call E. Grace Fischer or leave a message on screening line at 650-849-0161. Are you over 18 and have an iPhone? 06 Jan 2022. Contact information for participant inquiries: http://med.stanford.edu/drc.html. Arnetha Ball has been awarded the Miriam Aaron Roland Volunteer … The study involves two appointments - one interview and one fMRI scan. Seeking 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders of all math and learning abilities to participate in an exciting study to increase our understanding of math skill development and how the brain changes with math learning. If you have have conducted research while in high school you might want to continue in a given area or explore a new area. If you have have conducted research while in high school you might want to continue in a given area or explore a new area. Pediatric residents, medical students and undergraduates work with community partners to address community needs through Education, Service and Research. older adults contribute to the well-being of youth, it cultivates a sense of purpose and extends benefits both ways, according to Contribute to reducing suicide by volunteering in a Stanford University research study funded by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Overview Through Cardinal Service, Stanford offers you a wide variety of public and community service opportunities, ranging from on-campus courses to off-campus research to community-based leadership projects. Found insideIn Drug Dealer, MD, Dr. Anna Lembke uncovers the unseen forces driving opioid addiction nationwide. Contact information for participant inquiries: elspapanxiety@stanford.edu, Key words: Anxiety disorders, psycho diagnostic evaluation, children/adolescents ages 7-17, The investigators plan to use functional neuroimaging (fMRI) to understand the brain systems affected when hypnosis and hypnotic analgesia are augmented with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), a form of non-invasive brain stimulation to 100 people with fibromyalgia, a chronic pain condition. In 2013 the department established this program to support outstanding early-career Classicists. The goal of this study is to discover factors that make youth either vulnerable or resilient to developing mood symptoms. To volunteer: Review projects below, all of which will be conducted virtually. Participants will have their heart rate measured and complete self-report questionnaires and computerized tasks during and after cycling-exercise. Contact information for participant inquiries: To learn more please call (650) 849-0584, email lunastudy@stanford.edu, or fill out the interest form. Participants are compensated $100. Recruitment age range: 50 years of age and older, Contact information for participant inquiries: 650.498.3084. This study aims to improve cognitive behavior therapy response for patients with social anxiety disorder by seeing whether brain activity during emotional learning tasks can help us understand who will do best with this kind of therapy and why. This research study is seeking participants, ages 18-70 years of age, who are diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) to participate in a research study on the use of virtual reality (VR) therapy for FND. Cohen lab is seeking volunteer research assistants! VA researchers are studying whether memory can be improved using a technique called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). Our partner, South Asian Family Approaches to Disease (SAFAD), would like to call you to join us in a study for South Asians with breast cancer and their families to better understand the unique cancer care needs of South Asians by using your voice. This is a multi-step screening process. VPUE staff volunteers with area non-profits in afternoon of service. 30-60 min) over 2-6 weeks at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System. There is no cost to participants and participants will receive some compensation for time and travel. The cross-disciplinary research will contribute a shared core of robotic science and technology providing a foundation for accelerating robotic development across our focus areas of Field Robotics, the Future of Work, Health and Wellness, and Education/Culture. We are looking for individuals ages 65 to 85 with a diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment or who are experiencing memory problems who are interested in participating in our research. Participation involves: Contact information for participant inquiries:  (650) 497-6525 / BGAPstudy@stanford.edu, Key words: puberty, neurodevelopment, Klinefelter syndrome. This study involves comparing three treatment arms: 1. "Civic Gifts traces how practices of reciprocity and organized mass benevolence-that is, philanthropy-have contributed to the development of novel forms of national solidarity and impressive governing capacities in the United States, ... Recruitment age range: 2nd to 4th graders, Contact information for participant inquiries: Go to our website at braindevelopment.stanford.edu or email at braindevelopment@stanford.edu or call 650.736.0056, Key words: autism, math, learning, cognition. The following week, and for the next 3 months, all participants will receive suvorexant. Stanford is an equal employment opportunity and affirmative action employer. Please note that we do not accept minors as volunteers in the laboratory. October 19, 2020 Stanford Graduate School of Education Professor Arnetha Ball awarded Roland Volunteer Service Prize. Most nonprofit CEOs would love to have a person like Jim working for them. In our research study, we will be looking at the factors that may influence these treatment decisions. Either healthy controls or individuals with MCI. Stanford, CA. Forfatterne er selv fortalere for en frivillig hr og stiller sprgsmalet: Kan den professionelle hr vre objektiv, nar beslutninger vedrrende militre forhold skal diskuteres? First, we hope to investigate the effectiveness of a computer-based intervention in patients for improving emotion regulation. Through Cardinal Service, Stanford offers you a wide variety of public and community service opportunities, ranging from on-campus courses to off-campus research to community-based leadership projects. Students pursuing any course of study can find opportunities to serve and many offer academic credit. Stanford is currently not accepting patients for this trial. If you are currently taking an antidepressant medication that is only partially helping your depression, please contact us to learn more about our current research. Researchers are conducting a neuroimaging study studying the effects of the hormone cortisol on the brain functioning of people with depression. Research Assistant, The Prevention and Intervention (PI) Program, Research Assistant in SPARK Lab - Data Collection for Preschool Assessments of Social and Emotional Learning in San Francisco - Cantonese Speaker, Research Assistant in SPARK Lab - Data Collection for Preschool Assessments of Social and Emotional Learning in San Francisco, 450 Jane Stanford Way There is At UCSF, the Collaborative Approach for Asian Americans & Pacific Islanders Research and Education (CARE) seeks participants to address the gap and reduce disparities in research participation among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) through the creation of a registry of AAPI who are interested in participating in various types of research such as Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD), aging, and caregiving related research that affects our health across the lifespan. We are also looking to see if oral Buprenorphine will have an added benefit when taken for 4 weeks post infusion. Contact information for participant inquiries:  Please visit braindevelopment.stanford.edu or email braindevelopment@stanford.edu or call 650-736-0056, Key words: math, learning, autism, cognition. Undergraduate Research Assistant Position in the Behavioral Pediatric Pain Lab Open for Spring/Summer 2021! The Stanford Depression Research Clinic is seeking people with major depressive disorder (MDD) to participate in a new research study. This is a longitudinal study that requires 3 visits across 5 years. Are you curious about how an Apple Watch can help you increase your daily steps? Proposal requirements include: A completed application that: presents a well-defined research project that warrants a community-based research approach, and; Incorporates best practices and principles of campus-community partnerships (e.g., Principles of Partnerships and the Haas Center's Principles of Ethical and Effective Service) Includes a remote contingency plan. Do you have a child with high functioning autism? Found inside – Page 340ED 093 013 Stanford Research Inst . , Menlo Park , Calif . Analysis of Some Potential Manpower Policies for the All - Volunteer Navy . Final Report . ED 092 775/1 Classroom Observation Study of Implementation in Head Start Planned ... Innovative approaches are required to pinpoint network-level changes in response to cognitive training in those at risk of AD. Found insidePraise for Forces for Good "Top 10 Business Book of the Year ... a serious piece of research."—The Economist "Offers excellent real-world examples of what great nonprofits actually look like."—Financial Times.com "A Best Book of the ... For specific details regarding grant deadlines, eligibility, and policies for off-campus research, please visit the Student Grants Website. Found inside – Page 35Recent studies of narcoleptic sleep attacks were performed on volunteers at Stanford University . One indication that the ailment is not so rare as once assumed was the response of narcoleptics to an advertisement in a San Francisco ... For inquiries, contact CARE's staff at careaapi@gmail.com or (669) 256-2609, Participate: SAFAD South Asians with Breast Cancer. Taking just an hour to donate could save up to three lives. Sanderson was part of a Stanford Health Care team prepped and ready to respond to a wave of COVID-19 patients. Errors in expression often lead to the buildup of toxic intermediates which have proven to be detrimental to humans. We would like to better understand what women think and feel as they are deciding on their cancer treatment. Interested individuals can also leave their contact information in a Stanford secure website by going to the following link: https://is.gd/StanfordTreatmentDecisionStudy, Contact information for participant inquiries: (650) 723-5736 | treatmentdecisionstudy@stanford.edu. You will also be asked to take several surveys, provide feedback, and be videotaped while wearing a virtual reality helmet display and playing several games. Some of the games will involve hitting targets while you embody a computer generated avatar body. Stanford Blood Center. To update or remove the study information listed on this page, please email mhantke@stanford.edu.Â. The littlest research volunteers arrived at Stanford University on Wednesday, accompanied by their parents, to participate in a pivotal study of … … Mounting evidence suggests that volunteering confers psychological and physical benefits to older volunteers, along with obvious gains for communities. The Burt and Marion Avery Professorship, Stanford University (2001-2006) Newton-Abraham Visiting Professor, University of Oxford (2000-2001) Pius XI Award, Pontifical Academy of Sciences (2000) William B. Coley Award, Cancer Research Institute (2000) This study aims to improve emotional regulation in adults who report emotional eating (e.g., eating in response to emotions rather than just physical hunger) with a history of an eating disorder (e.g., binge-eating disorder, bulimia nervosa, other specified feeding and eating disorder). http://med.stanford.edu/svalz.html, Contact information for participant inquiries: 650-858-3915. Have you ever attempted suicide? Contact Information. This internship is intended to provide early exposure to research transcending traditional disciplinary boundaries. This is an observational study that invites adolescents and young adults of parents with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder to provide clinical, genetic, and other biological information at 6-month intervals over a 2-year period. The goal of the study is to evaluate early risk markers that are targets for treatment with the overall goal of delaying or preventing the onset of bipolar disorder in at-risk youth.
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