Not much in the book seems dated. Everything is intended for a beginner writer. I can imagine using it for many years because the examples are not time-sensitive. Overall, the interface is very easy to read. [35], These constraints were to become the focus of political scrutiny and public protest in the new-century European debt crisis. Reviewed by Elizabeth Sandell, Professor, Minnesota State University, Mankato on 4/11/17, Provides instruction in steps and sections; builds writing, reading, and critical thinking; and combines comprehensive grammar review with paragraph writing and composition. 5) There is no title page for the text! I didn't find the readings particularly engaging, but they are good for structure analysis. I find this textbook greatly lacking here. Found inside – Page xvEdited by Karl Cordell, the present collection of essays comprises a work of twelve chapters on Poland and the European Union (EU). It is tantamount to a 'tour de force' of Poland's complicated and fascinating relations with the EU and ... Following the accession of a further twelve states, ten from the former Eastern Bloc – Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia – plus Cyprus and Malta, and an aborted Treaty on a European Constitution, Maastricht was more comprehensively revisited. I will definitely use these chapters in my classes. Most of the resource focuses on writing and grammatical structure; there may be small changes that need to be made as the use of the English language evolves; however, this will be negligible. Just in a quick survey of links in two of the rhetorical modes, I found five that were no longer operational. Found inside – Page 274... this combination of political economy objectives corresponds fairly closely to that of the post-euro European Union. ... as examples of successful borrowers, and the secret of their success is described in terms of their responsible ... New terms are explained clearly and put in bold letters. The book lends itself to easily using some chapters and not others and certain parts of a chapter without the entirety.
,Also, their example sentences/questions seem conspicuously politically-charged (e.g. It points out significant errors. . Any student that did not have the opportunity to have a strong grammar/writing class in high school will learn so much from the material provided in the text. Writing an essay on economics?
Lincoln’s political skill had maintained consistent support for the war effort in Congress and patience among the Northern public when faced with military reverses. Rather there are "a series of tentative indications for Community action in a document full of imprecise concepts: 'sufficiently', 'better achieved', 'what is necessary', 'to achieve the objectives', subjective notions which leave the way wide open for interpretation or practical developments. I really appreciate that exercises aren't just randomly thrown in, as many published textbooks often do. Setting off this element in sidebar allows the text to flow more smoothly and helps to identify the comments as such. It raises the bar by adding chapters directed to novices transitioning into college, to English Language Learners, and to making oral presentations. Evaluation is the tool for gauging and determining the extent of success of these phases and steps of the policy implementation. The one improvement that should be made is, at least in my screen view, the student writing samples are hard to read because they are small and in a difficult font. Writing for Success is timeless in its content. There is a consistent framework in each chapter: learning objectives are listed, information is presented with tips and examples, and the information is summarized in a "Key Takeaways" box. I did not find any outstanding (in a negative way) technical terminology. I do find chapter 8 misplaced, though – it is titled ‘how do I begin.’ Because it describes the writing process from prewrite to edit it seems sensible to place it closer to the beginning. As I will soon be teaching a college-level English 101 as well, I am excited to have this text as a supplement to the department-required text. read more. Again, could probably split into two textbooks -- one that covers grammar/usage/format and one that covers the writing process & essay assignments. The ELL chapter is extremely valuable and should remain in the book, but on a macro level, it does not flow with the surrounding chapters. The textbook was easy to follow, particularly because of the detailed table of contents and chapter outlines. The text clearly walks the student through the writing process and introduces the major rhetorical styles students will... This allows for peer-peer engagement, development of interpersonal skills, and promotion of critical thinking skills. The explanations, examples, and directions are clear and concise. For me, this lack of inclusiveness marks the main weakness of this text. It covers a lot of material. In the wake of the Eurozone debt crisis unfolding from 2009, the most enduring reference to the Maastricht Treaty has been to the rules of compliance – the "Maastricht criteria" – for the currency union. If not, why not? Otherwise, I have found this to be an excellent resource that introduced students to the academic culture. I didn't find the organization to be effective. Perhaps you are a brilliant writer, or maybe you're just going for the most efficient way to rack up the college scholarship money.Either way, you’ve decided that the key to funding your education lies in winning scholarship essay contests.Essay scholarships are awarded in numerous fields to students of varied backgrounds. Incorporating more images/illustrations could have enhanced the text. It is over 600 pages in the PDF format, but it doesn’t contain much redundant or extraneous information. 357; "Closing all American borders for a period of five years is one solution that will tackle illegal immigration."
The websites that are linked, such as Purdue Owl, are very robust, but beginning composition students have difficulty navigating those websites to find their answers. It includes practical exercises that can be used to strengthen work writing or academic writing. Much of this text's early chapters would serve as much needed review and guided practice for students, since more so than other texts I have used, this one provides in-depth coverage of basic writing skills. Reviewed by Joseph Amdahl, Adjunct, Chemeketa Community College on 5/21/19, This category might indicate one of the downsides of this particular textbook -- the text covers quite a bit of ground, coming in at a mere 645 pages. On 16 September 1992 the British government had been forced to withdraw the pound sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), after a failed and costly attempt to keep the pound above its mandated exchange rate limit. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike [40] Yet it is clear that nothing is to be construed as systematically constraining the foreign or defence policies of the individual Member States. The rhetorical modes are equitably covered, though persuasion might welcome more attention and development. In between, the... The text is written in easily understandable prose and defines its particular terms in an accessible way for students. The APA and MLA sections are vague enough as to not need much updates as the rules change. Writing for Success is very clearly written which is especially helpful for beginning writers. At the same time, a political division emerged in the South. Examples and exercises for each covered topic are easily found and clearly labeled. It would be better to use a standard font like Times New Roman to make the text easier to read. This international conflict is perhaps the most written about and studied piece of United States history. The content in this book is consistent with the goals of most Reading/Writing/Study Skills/College Success courses I have encountered. Longevity is easy to attain with this discipline because grammar/writing rules are tried and true...but the organization of this text makes it a true 'open' resource. It might be the most extensive book I have encountered for the topics that are covered. Conversely, the fact that Lee could not clearly win a battle against Grant had a significantly negative effect on Southern morale.20, Ruins of Richmond, Virginia, 1865 (NARA/Mathew Brady). Throughout the text, headings/labels can be difficult to distinguish from one another, making it challenging to follow the hierarchy/logic of the text. There are sections that are useful for many different writing levels, from students in need of grammar and punctuation instruction to research writing. And lastly, there are unnecessary editorial uses (i.e. It has some shortcomings, and I would be hesitant to adopt the book in its entirety. It gives clear and easy-to-read instruction on many topics. One glaring omission is fragment and run-on work. This gives the book cohesiveness but doesn't impede its modularity. The text itself is well formatted in an easy to read typeface and font. In some places subheads butt directly against body copy or tables, for instance. However, the entire book could be useful to both native and non-native English speakers. relevant to students in the near future. 49. read more. Reviewed by Kelsea Jones, Adjunct Instructor, Treasure Valley Community College on 1/7/16, McLean's text is surprisingly comprehensive, covering topics from reading and study strategies, to grammar, to writing paragraphs and essays, to research. The text is very comprehensive. For ex, Chapter 5 for ELL students is just a start. McClellan continually demanded more troops of Lincoln, without solid plans for how they would be employed to achieve his goals of defeating Lee’s army and capturing Richmond. It also grants the Parliament the power to confirm (and therefore to veto) Council nominations for the European Commission, the Community's secretariat. The Union Army benefited from outstanding management and supply as a result. On the eve of the war’s most complete battlefield victory, Nashville, Grant went so far as to order the relief of his field commander, General George Thomas, for being slow to attack. The American minister in St. Petersburg, Cassius Clay, gave Seward his view of the sentiment in Europe in 1861: “They hoped for our ruin. This textbook is formatted and coherently layered in a way that is easy to visualize and process, with properly sectioned-off section introductions, lesson 'tips,' examples, and exercises. However, the sequence of chapters can be changed according to the needs of the particular class (as noted in the Modularity section above). Each chapter has examples that organize the discussion and form a common basis for learning. Although there was no written plan, Lincoln and Grant combined the separate elements of Union power in a complementary way to make continuing the war more painful to the Confederate population than rejoining the Union. By 1863, initial shortages of war materiel, especially weapons and ammunition, were largely a thing of the past; the army Lee took north in June was roughly proportionate to its opponent in numbers and quality of artillery, and almost all of its infantry had modern rifles.12 The Union did, however, possess several advantages that could be brought to bear. As I mentioned above, I would rearrange the chapters in the book. I did not find the text to be culturally insensitive or offensive. For example, not much space is devoted to integrating sources and ideas. The Union also had, after much trial and error, placed most of its military forces in the hands of skilled leaders who had come to understand 19th-century war and were at least equal to their Confederate counterparts. For first-generation college students, this text introduces many strategies about how to "do college" with which their families may not be familiar. in one chapter is consistently in a box in the other chapters. My main concern-the lack of cultural relevance- can be balanced by providing supplementary materials reflective of the learners' cultures and backgrounds. Essay Scholarships. I usually have a select group of students that might struggle with a certain issue and I would, for example, direct a student that is struggling with commas to that specific section. Vietnam prompted many reviews of such assumptions, so that in the 1991 war against Iraq, the George H.W. There was no content that was culturally offensive, but I also did not find the text to be particularly inclusive. Found inside – Page 1087The success of EU external action depends on three main factors: “first and foremost, political agreement among MS on ... In M. Cremona & B. De Witte (Eds.), EU foreign relations law: Constitutional fundamentals: essays in European law. Although an instructor could easily focus on specific chapters based on the level of the class and needs of the students, the effort to be comprehensive led some areas to be overly simplistic and basic. Not much background is given for the fictional students in the book, and no pictures of them are provided. The British system of the time was a still-developing constitutional monarchy. I had no issues. Political debate continued as to who should have access to public services and welfare systems funded by taxation.[14]. The book is extremely consistent in terms of terminology and framework. Information and example essays seem relevant and up-to-date although the chapter on MLA and APA documentation will have to be updated in the future. Overall, Writing for Success was clearly written, useful, and fairly comprehensive. However, what is included is accurate and appropriate. Operation Self-Deceit: New Documents Shine Light on Euro Birth Defects, "The IMF & the European Economic and Monetary Union - Factsheet", "Madrid European Council (12/95): Conclusions", "European Labour in a Single Market: '1992' and the Implications of Maastricht", "Wolfgang Schäuble: "Europe will only work if the rules are the same for smaller and bigger member states, "The Maastricht and Amsterdam Treaties. Rather, I would assign a type of writing alongside a reading alongside a particular concept. For the “tips” offered throughout the text, it would be helpful if they were labeled in some way (e.g. Dunkelste Stunden. I do have one question about the formatting of the essays in chapter 12 at the end of the book: Why were the paragraphs not indented? If any updates were needed, I'm sure they could be made easily. The text provides relevant exercises to go along with each chapter and its individual sections. The AP European History course and exam cover the history of Europe from 1450 to the present. It covers the most basic writing processes early and then eases the student into a more complex understanding of what he/she needs... It includes chapters on paragraph structure, the writing process, rhetorical modes, research, MLA and APA... I am planning to use this book as one of my texts in a first-year writing class next fall. I was also pleased with the links to articles and essays. The following timeline outlines the legal inception of the European Union (EU)—the principal framework for this unification. I wish that instead of links, the textbook provided a few examples of parenthetical citations of commonly used types of sources. It is also easy for instructors to layer on difficult concepts during lecture if students are up for it. Overall, I find this text to be thoughtfully written, and I’d definitely consider using it for upper level writing & grammar-focused courses in the Intensive English Program. On p. 244 the text refers to underlined transitional words, but they are also not underlined.
The interface is user-friendly with clear headings and sub-headings, logical use of bold text, numbered and bulleted lists, and blocks of subtle color to set off certain pieces of text from the main text. Weaknesses: Viewed as a whole, the text struggles in terms of audience and purpose, organization of content, and content selection and emphasis. It has additional sections on creating effective presentations and concludes with sample essays. [6] In the cases of Denmark, France and Ireland this required referenda. Page 570: The chart should probably be labeled "Winter Olympic Medal Standings since 1924." If the combined total is calculated, the US has more than double our closest competitor, the Soviet Union. was excellent.,
Having said that, a lot of the page includes examples, exercises, and their "Key Takeaways"... It is over 600 pages in the PDF format, but it doesn’t contain much redundant or extraneous information. Plagued by supply problems, he was finally stopped by Union forces at Appomattox Court House. I had no problem navigating the book. While I do not see anything I consider offensive, I do believe few of my students would "see themselves" in this text. At the same time, it also did not address issues of language that relate to culture or gender. read more. I like the discussion of thesis statements on page 341. is the one place where you find help for all types of assignments. 44 and pg. It strikes me as a text that would be too basic for many first-year college writing courses. Within the framework of a composition lab class, this text is consistent, covering all essential components covered in the course scope. I am particularly impressed with the grammar and punctuation chapters. 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